Nurse Faculty Loan Program

Sponsor/Type: HRSA
Project Period: 07/01/2013 – 06/30/2025


This application is a funding priority request for financial loan support for students enrolled in a Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (Ph.D.) degree program and the post-Master’s Doctorate of Nursing Practice Program (DNP) at the College of Nursing (CON), Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) with a career goal to serve as nurse faculty upon graduation. The CON DNP program is fully accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) through June 30, 2026, and all MUSC programs were reaccredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACs) through 2027 (Attachment 1).

The objectives for this program are as follows:

  • Increase the number of graduate doctoral students in the post MSN-DNP, BSN-Ph.D. and MSN-Ph.D. programs who are prepared to become qualified nurse faculty upon program completion by ensuring:
    • All students who received NFLP funding complete the three educational courses needed for national certification as a nurse educator.
    • Students who previously completed the three educational courses and are not certified as nurse educators with at least one year of teaching experience are offered the mentored teaching course to gain doctoral level teaching experience.

Processes and evaluation for the program will occur as follows:

Recruitment and student orientation. Following receipt of funds from HRSA, an e-mail and CON electronic newsletter outlining the purpose, criteria and eligibility of the NFLP program is sent out to all Ph.D. and post-MSN DNP students (July). Students are informed how the loan works, and required completion of the service agreement as full-time nursing faculty at an accredited school of nursing. Students then apply by completing a three-page application that includes a statement of commitment to complete the three required nurse educator courses prior to graduation. Students understand a new plan of study will be developed to reflect the change.

Previous students will be given priority for funding. New applicants meeting criteria for the loan and completing an entrance interview will be considered on a first come, first serve basis. Students will be notified (August) and receive information about cancellation provisions, loan default and complete paperwork.

Program requirements and monitoring. Once awarded NFLP loan funding, students’ plans of study will be rewritten with specific educator courses required and signed (August). The Office of Academics will track and register the students each semester with loan funding provided at that time (Fall 2019; Spring and Summer 2020). Students in the program will be asked to re-sign their commitment letters each funded academic year.

Program completion, reports and post-graduation follow-up. Students will be followed at the end of each semester to ensure successful completion of the courses. Five students are scheduled to graduate from the 2018-19 NFLP funding period, and 5 from the 2019-20 funding period. Longitudinal data will include collection of teaching program level for each NFLP graduate completed by the coordinators of the DNP and Ph.D. programs at 4-months post-graduation followed by annually for four years. Bi-annual reports for HRSA will be completed and submitted, (January and July) as required, by the Executive Associate Dean of Academics.

For more information contact
Teresa M. Stephens