DNP Palliative Care

CON Palliative Care Education


Our program focuses on caring for individuals with life-threatening, progressive illness, emphasizing respect for patients’ and families’ beliefs, values, and choices. Additionally, students will identify a problem in palliative care and address it with evidence-based practice and quality improvement principles. 

MUSC Post-Master’s DNP in Palliative Care prepares students to:

  • Become a leader among advanced practice nurses. Meet all requirements to sit for the Advanced Certified Hospice and Palliative Nurse (ACHPN) exam, including both didactic and clinical hours.
  • Demonstrate expertise in advanced nursing practice roles based on mastery of a specialized area of knowledge relative to palliative care derived from a strong scientific foundation.
  • Evaluate local community and national palliative and hospice care resources for their relevance as an adjunct to care in the management of chronic and advanced pediatric illnesses.
  • Integrate professional, legal, moral, and ethical standards into practice and care of patients on a palliative care trajectory

There are two program options for Post-MSN students:

  • Advanced Practice Nursing (APN)
  • Lifespan Palliative Care (LPC)

Year 1, Fall

NRDNP 850 Organ Theory & Health Care Management 3
NRDNP 860 App Epi Biostat Healthcare 4
NRDNP 873 Scientific Underpinnings IV 3
Semester Total 10

Year 1, Spring

NRDNP 858 Evidenced Based Practice, Quality & Safety 3
NRDNP 846 Frameworks for Leadership 3
Semester Total 6

Year 1, Summer

NRDNP 862 Practice Inquiry and IRB 3
NRDNP 830 Applied Health Care Economics and Finance 3
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Fall

NRDNP 890 Residency 5
NRDNP 836 Informatics in Health Care Delivery 3
Semester Total 8

Year 2, Spring

NRDNP 890 Residency 5
NRDNP 708 Advanced Health Policy and Advocacy 3
Semester Total 8
Curriculum Minimum Total 38

Year 1, Spring

NRPHD 708 Adv Health Policy & Advocacy 3
NRDNP 846 Framewks for Ldrshp & Interpro 3
Semester Total 6

Year 1, Summer

NRDNP 860 Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics 4
Semester Total 4

Year 1, Fall

NRDNP 836 Informatics in Health Care Deliv 3
NRDNP 873 Scientific Underpinnings IV 3
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Spring

NRDNP 890 Residency 2
NRDNP 858 Evid Based Prac Qual Safety 3
Semester Total 5

Year 2, Summer

NRDNP 830 Applied Health Care Economics and Finance 3
NRDNP 862 Practice Inquiry and IRB 3
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Fall

NRDNP 850 Organ Theory & Health Care Management 3
NRDNP 890 Residency 3
Semester Total 6

Year 3, Spring

NRDNP 890 Residency 5
Semester Total 5
Curriculum Minimum Total 38

Year 1, Fall

NRDNP 850 Organ Theory & Health Care Management 3
NRDNP 860 App Epi Biostat Healthcare 4
NRDNP 873 Scientific Underpinnings IV 3
Semester Total 10

Year 1, Spring

NRDNP 846 Framewks for Ldrshp & Interpro 3
NRDNP 858 Evid Based Prac Qual Safety 3
NRDNP 874 Palliative Care Management I 3
Semester Total 9

Year 1, Summer

NRDNP 830 Applied Health Care Economics and Finance 3
NRDNP 875 Palliative Care Management II 3
NRDNP 862 Practice Inquiry and IRB 3
Semester Total 9

Year 2, Fall

NRDNP 836 Informatics in Health Care Deliv 3
NRDNP 890 Residency 5
Semester Total 8

Year 2, Spring

NRPHD 708 Adv Health Policy and Advocacy 3
NRDNP 890 Residency 5
Semester Total 8
Curriculum Minimum Total 44

Year 1, Spring

NRPHD 708 Advanced Health Policy & Advocacy 3
NRDNP 846 Frameworks for Leadership 3
NRDNP 874 Palliative Care I 3
Semester Total 9

Year 1, Summer

NRDNP 860 Applied Epidemiology and Biostatistics 4
NRDNP 875 Palliative Care II 3
Semester Total 7

Year 1, Fall

NRDNP 873 Scientific Underpinnings IV 3
NRDNP 836 Informatics in Health Care Delivery 3
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Spring

NRDNP 858 Evidence-Based Practice, Quality and Safety 3
NRDNP 890 Residency 2
Semester Total 5

Year 2, Summer

NRDNP 862 Practice Inquiry and IRB 3
NRDNP 830 Applied Health Care Economics and Finance 3
Semester Total 6

Year 2, Fall

NRDNP 850 Organizational Theory and Health Care Systems 3
NRDNP 890 Residency 3
Semester Total 6

Year 3, Spring

NRDNP 890 Residency 5
Semester Total 5
Curriculum Minimum Total 44

Additional palliative care clinical hours may also be added dependent on individual student goals/needs with the course NRDNP 876.

Graduate students can elect to add Nurse Educator courses to include:

  • NURSM 615 Methodology of Online Teaching, 3 credit hours
  • NURSM 703 Instructional Processes, 3 credit hours
  • NURSM 713 Curriculum Design & Development, 3 credit hours
  • NRPHD 800 Mentored Teaching, 3 credit hours