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Palliative Care

Palliative Care is an approach that improves the quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness, through the prevention and relief of suffering by means of early identification and impeccable assessment and treatment of pain and other problems, physical, psychosocial and spiritual (WHO, 2022).

Palliative Care Programs

CON Palliative Care Education 

Our Palliative Care Education programs focus on caring for individuals with life-threatening, progressive illnesses, emphasizing respect for patients’ and families’ beliefs, values, and choices.


photo of palliative care full group 

Our Palliative Care Practice team focuses on self-care with activities including resiliency training, teambuilding, music and art therapy, massages, yoga, and much more.


photo of CON Students 

Our Palliative Care Research team focuses on the importance of nurses having a seat at the table and engaging directly with the critical work of palliative care.


Palliative care team 

MUSC's palliative care team is made up of specially-trained doctors, advanced practice nurses, social workers, chaplains, and volunteers who work together with primary medical teams treating serious illnesses.

MUSC Health Palliative Care

APP Externship

The Palliative Care Advanced Practice Provider Externship is a week-long immersion course led by faculty who are nationally and internationally known palliative care experts. This immersion is geared toward the practice of Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) and Physician Assistants (PAs).

DNP Palliative Care

CON Palliative Care Education

As a leader in palliative care education, the MUSC College of Nursing has been recognized for its holistic approach to emphasizing the value in palliative care.

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I will always remember sitting on the couch in her home that was built by her great-great grandfather, listening to her talk about how cancer had changed her life, what she hoped for and what she worried about.

Nicole Sartor, May 2022 Graduate

Read Nicole's Story
Image for Testimonial Card - Nicole Slater

I saw what a difference that supportive services, like hospice and palliative care, made in the lives of patients and families. I knew it was my passion to make sure that access to that care was widespread.

Christina McDaniel DNP, RN

Read Christina's Story
Christina McDaniel

My passion for palliative care began while I was working in a medical intensive care unit. Being an ICU nurse, I often would see patients at the end of life and the turmoil it caused them and their loved ones.

Jessica Madiraca

Read Jessica's Story
Jessica Madiraca

To me the heart of palliative care is supporting others to maximize their quality of life while facing serious illness and supporting their friends and family.

Diana Layne RN, PhD

Read Diana's Story
Diana Layne


Carrie Cormack 

Carrie L. Cormack
Lead Faculty

Kathy Lindell 

Kathleen O. Lindell
Mary Swain Endowed Chair in Palliative Care


Tiffany Harrison
Palliative Care Education Coordinator