Organizations and Leadership


CON Honor Council

MUSC Honor Code

CON Student Nurses Association

The Student Nurses Association is a preprofessional nursing student organization. The goal is to introduce nursing students to their future career by providing leadership opportunities and educational advancement.

The purpose of SNA is to sponsor programs and activities to foster the highest standard of nursing education and health care and to aid individual nursing students in the development of the whole person and their professional roles.

National Student Nurses Association
Student Nurses Association of South Carolina

CON Student Government Association

The College of Nursing Student Government Association works on behalf of the students by facilitating the exchange of information and ideas between students, faculty, and administration, representing student opinions, needs, and interests.

  • Take action to increase the quality of student services and academic programs to further enhance the education of students
  • Plan and execute a variety of social, cultural, and recreational events to promote fellowship, personal growth, and interaction with MUSC students and the university community, and
  • Maintain a budget with all the allocated funds to serve the MUSC student body most efficiently.

Sigma Theta Tau

National Chapter

Leadership Opportunities

University-wide and college-related student organizations offer College of Nursing students opportunities to develop their leadership skills, serve their fellow students, the Charleston community, and/or their profession, explore new and old interests, and have a good time with others involved students, staff, and faculty.

Nursing students are expected to demonstrate professional leadership as part of their learning experience. Below is a sample of nursing student leadership opportunities:

College of Nursing

  • College of Nursing Student Government Association
  • Honor Council
  • Research Honors Practicum
  • Sigma Theta Tau Nursing Honor Society
  • Student Nurse's Association
  • Undergraduate, Graduate, and Doctoral Program Committees
  • Evaluation and Program Effectiveness Committee
  • MUSC

  • Crisis Ministries
  • Humanitas
  • International Student Organization
  • Intramural
  • Medical Campus Outreach
  • Medical History Club
  • MUSC Gives Back
  • MUSC Student Government Association
  • Presidential Scholars
  • Public Health Interest Group