Nursing Students’ Global Health Learning Experience from Costa Rica

Suparna Qanungo
April 12, 2024
CON Global Trip Costa Rica

The value and importance of global experience in nursing education is increasingly being recognized to grow the nursing profession. Due to the increased interconnectedness and globalization of our communities, there is a growing need for culturally competent nurses and healthcare professionals. To prepare nurses in caring for diverse patient populations, through the MUSC College of Nursing Global Health initiative, we partnered with the Foundation for International Medical Relief of Children (FIMRC) to develop a customized global health program for nursing students. Seven baccalaureate students participated in the program and traveled to Costa Rica in December 2023, to enhance their clinical and cultural knowledge.

During the 10-day program, students spent time in clinical shadowing with local professionals, engaged in initiatives for individuals with physical and mental disabilities and for the empowering of women, participated in mobile outreach clinics to underserved communities to assist with delivering healthcare and engaged in educational exchange with two local nursing schools in Costa Rica and Ecuador. I really appreciated hearing about and comparing students’ experiences in different countries. After returning from the trip, students were required to reflect on their experiences and present in local/regional interprofessional platforms to enhance their scholarly aptitude.

Overall, the goal for students who completed this program was to develop a broader view of a nurse’s role as a competent and compassionate provider of health services and advocate for the care of the underserved/vulnerable. Also, they learned to appreciate the social, political, economic and cultural barriers that exist for underserved/vulnerable individuals and families/communities. In the nursing profession, it is very important to be sensitive to and aware of cultural differences patients may have, and having a global perspective adds value to the student’s professional development.

My greatest moments were to see how well our students worked together as a team supporting each other throughout the trip and to realize how much of an impact this global health experience had on them both professionally and personally.

This trip was funded by the Mary Swain Endowment with assistance from the Falks-Griffin Endowment. Thank you to our incredible donors.

Excerpts from Student Reflections

“I think we all have gained a huge appreciation for any patient who does not speak English and the challenges they face in the US.” —Lisa Harlan

“This (mobile clinic) experience was really eye opening and humbling to me. I believe it was the most important experience I could have had on this trip.” —Erin Grimsley

“Today we assisted with the mobile clinic, and I was bouncing around from waiting room, to exam, to coloring with kids. I had never seen how a mobile clinic operates before, and it was informative! The importance of teamwork was evident today.” —Maggie Hartman

“I very much liked the team effort involved (pharmacy) when clarifying dosages and calculations before dispensing medication to patients. This is the kind of competence I will carry with me in my future nursing career and when it comes to providing patient care.” —Angel Ramirez

“The most interesting part was the ability to listen and observe an adolescent psychiatric consultation. I have never sat in on a consult. The consultation was the most meaningful to me.” —Alexis Gontz

“I was in charge of making sure the pills were counted correctly and put into bags labeled with the drug, writing down the directions for it and also educating the patients. Day one was fun and very informative.” —Kailah Green

“The experience deepened my understanding of culture and how it relates to patient care. Witnessing the resilience and joy of the community members was so humbling and special. Overall, this global experience surpassed my expectations and truly promoted my personal and professional growth as I pursue my career in nursing.” —Sarah Missroon